Bowen Street, a pivotal road nestled in the heart of Cardwell, plays a crucial role in the town's connectivity. The Cardwell community has been providing feedback to Council that Bowen Street requires upgrades and feedback from the community will help shape the final design.

The Bowen Street upgrade works have garnered attention from community members, Council has offered an opportunity for interested community members to share feedback on the proposed improvements.

The consultation commenced Thursday 22 June 2023 and the Your Say survey was closed at 11am, Monday 24 July 2023. Engagement was undertaken via the Your Say website, a letterbox drop to properties, presentation at the June 2023 Cardwell Community Major Projects meeting, a targeted social media campaign, newspaper advertising and door knock activities.

Council acknowledges and thanks all contributors for the time taken to provide feedback on this matter.

Preliminary Activities

In the endorsed FY23/24 financial budget, Council has allocated $300,000 for preliminary activities, including underground service relocations (Telstra and NBN). The scope of these works will be aligned with the first major stage of the project between Liverpool and Dalrymple Streets.

Council aims to complete the construction design component in June, with service relocations to commence in August 2024.

Future Stages of Bowen Street Upgrade

After receiving input from the community regarding the proposed plan for future upgrades to Bowen Street, Council will proceed to secure funding for the construction phase, using the finalised design.

Currently, the existing bitumen seal width varies from 6.5 metres at the Liverpool Street end and 4.0 metres at the Dalrymple Street end and does not provide a consistent driver experience. The Bowen Street upgrade will enhance road user experience, improve residential amenity, improve road condition, reduce ongoing maintenance costs and cater for future growth of the area.

Council has previously undertaken planning activities for Bowen Street; however, these plans did not progress previously due to budgetary considerations and prioritisation of Balliol Street works. This draft design provides value for money and is intended to reduce ongoing maintenance costs.

Details of future stages are as follows:

  • Widening of the existing bitumen seal to 7.0 metres from Liverpool Street to Dalrymple Street, approximately 1200 metres long.
  • Improve drainage with the installation of a roadside drain on the western side of the road and associated underground drainage.
  • Driveway accesses to the residences will be sealed to the property boundary.
  • Amenity improvements - planting of street trees, landscaped islands and refurbished line marking.

Future stages for Bowen Street Upgrades are currently unfunded and Council will seek opportunities for funding.