
Statement in response to Premier's pledge toward dredging if elected

25 August 2024

Cassowary Coast Regional Council wishes to thank Premier Miles for the Queensland Government’s commitment to provide $7 million in funding toward a shortfall for the construction of a Sewerage Treatment Plant for Port Hinchinbrook.

Council looks forward to receiving the funding agreement from the Queensland Government, and thanks the Member for Hinchinbrook, Nicholas Dametto MP for his assistance in helping Council achieve this outcome for the Port Hinchinbrook community.

Council also notes the Premier’s pledge to direct Economic Development Queensland toward land acquisition which, pending outcomes of the forthcoming State election, would support dredging of One Mile Creek and ‘put the site on the open market for development’.

Cassowary Coast Regional Council, together with the Cardwell Chamber of Commerce, Cardwell community and stakeholders,issued a joint submission to the Member for Hinchinbrook in March 2024 seeking a commitment from all levels of government to work together to fully address:

1) the need to have a permanent solution for all-tide and all-weather access (ongoing dredging and maintenance) in One Mile Creek, Cardwell and

2) to proactively seek new and innovative investment attraction models for the former Port Hinchinbrook in Liquidation development.

In the submission, Council and the Chamber asked that a strategic working group with relevant senior and executive level departmental, ministerial and government representatives and relevant stakeholders (including the Chamber) is implemented, with the working group proactively engaging with community and stakeholders to investigate funding and investment opportunities, taking an innovative community-led approach.

At last week’s Local Government Meeting Councillors endorsed negotiations to proceed with a preferred tenderer for emergency dredging of One Mile Creek with the hope that a federal government funding variation will be approved by the end of October 2024.

Council remains committed to delivering this project on behalf of the Cardwell and Port Hinchinbrook community, and will alert community members as soon as it receives confirmation of the funding.

To learn about the Port Hinchinbrook (Cardwell) STP and Normalisation project please go to

To learn about the One Mile Creek Dredging project please go to

The Port Hinchinbrook (Cardwell) STP and Normalisation project is funded by the Australian Government, Queensland Government and the Cassowary Coast Regional Council.
