We’d like to know how we can make walking in Tully a more accessible, safe and improved experience to connect people to where they need to go.

Walking the kids to school and riding or walking to work or the shops is one of the most effective ways to combine regular exercise with your everyday routine. More people will walk when everyday destinations are connected by comfortable, direct, safe and accessible routes.

To encourage walking as a more desirable option and identify future network opportunities around Tully, Council and The Department of Main Roads (TMR) are developing a Walking Network Plan.

The key part of this plan is to better understand community habits and needs for the transport network and how Tully’s walking infrastructure can be improved now and for the future.


Consultation Closed

The online consultation period has now closed. Council has also held in-person community information sessions with participants providing additional feedback on improving the Tully walking environment. All feedback has been collated and provided in the engagement report.

Next Steps

Feedback provided during this session and from the Your Say consultation will continue to inform Council and the Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) through the development of a draft Walking Network Plan for the Tully area. The plan will seek opportunities to encourage walking as a more desirable option and identify future walking and riding infrastructure

This project is proudly funded in part (50%) by the Queensland Government’s Walking Local Government Grants Program.