About the Project
The Mission Beach Town Centre Revitalisation Project, will create a vibrant town centre, breathing life back into the Mission Beach and surrounds for the enjoyment of our community and visitors. The revitalisation will bring more tourism to the region and encourage further development from investors.
The project is being delivered in two stages:
Stage 1: Mission Beach Carpark - Complete
Stage 2 (current): Upgrade to Village Green and along Porter Promenade, including Donkin Lane and Campbell Street.
The Mission
Beach Revitalisation Project is jointly funded by the Australian Government and
Queensland Government in association with the Cassowary Coast Regional Council.
Stage 2 Project Status
Six-Month Milestone: Mission Beach Revitalisation Project Update
The Mission Beach Town Centre Revitalisation Project is well underway, and after six months of diligent work, the transformation is already evident.
Since the project commenced in July 2024, the initial clearing works have significantly opened up the area, allowing for improved visibility from Porter Promenade to the picturesque beach.
The following milestones have been achieved:
- Pre-Construction Site Investigations: Underground infrastructure services have been identified and relocation works underway.
- Stormwater Outlet Construction
- Demolition Works: Encroaching structures, garden beds, and awnings on the Village Green have been removed.
- Vegetation Clearing: Including tree removal from the beachfront through to Porter Promenade
- Watermain Installation: A new watermain is currently being installed along the Eastern side of Porter Promenade.
- Electricity Infrastructure: New underground Ergon civil infrastructure has been installed in anticipation for Ergon to remove the overhead power and relocate underground throughout Porter Promenade
- Major Stormwater Construction: Ongoing stormwater works that extends from the foreshore to the Village Green area.
Looking ahead, Stormwater upgrades will begin to branch out onto Porter Promenade and Campbell Street intersection in the new year.

Progress Photos

Artist Impressions
Community Stakeholder Reference Group
Community and Stakeholder Reference Group
Council has appointed a Community and Stakeholder Reference Group (CSRG), following an open Expression of Interest process, with representatives from key stakeholder groups including business traders and operators, property owners and residents, Traditional Owners, community groups and the wider community.
The CSRG will provide a representative voice to Council throughout the design and construction phases of the project.
- Jules Conlan, Owner Plenty Bar & Restaurant
- Susie England, Director Tropical Property Real Estate
- James Teague, Owner Pirate Den Bar & Grill
- Chris May, Owner Mission Beach Workx
- Nancy Lowe, Chair Tropical Coast / Cassowary Coast Tourism
- Ron Sirolli, Mission Beach Community Association Committee Member
- Neil Clarke, President Mission Beach Arts
- Peter Rowles, President, Community for Coastal and Cassowary Conservation
- Representative from Djiru Warrangburra Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC
- Liz Gallie, Mission Beach Cassowaries
- Hal McElroy, Community Representative