About the Project

The Mission Beach Town Centre Revitalisation Project, will create a vibrant town centre, breathing life back into the Mission Beach and surrounds for the enjoyment of our community and visitors. The revitalisation will bring more tourism to the region and encourage further development from investors.

The project is being delivered in two stages:

Stage 1: Mission Beach Carpark - Complete

Stage 2 (current): Upgrade to Village Green and along Porter Promenade, including Donkin Lane and Campbell Street.

This project is proudly funded by the Queensland Government’s Local Government Grants and Subsidies program in association with Cassowary Coast Regional Council.

Stage 2 Project Status

Next Steps:

  • RMS Engineering and Construction will be proceeding with Pre-Construction Site Investigations from Wednesday 8 May 2024. The Site Investigations will focus on locating the underground infrastructure services and understanding the existing subsurface ground conditions. Check out the "Latest Project News" Post for more information.
  • Council’s Project Team is currently working on a “support and buy local” campaign which is aimed at supporting traders and operators during the construction period through activation initiatives. Council will engage with the Community Stakeholder Reference Group and businesses to develop and implement this campaign.
  • Contract negotiations continue with the contractor with Council aiming to commence construction in May 2024, weather permitting. The expected completion date for this project is the second quarter of 2025.

Artist Impressions

Artist Impressions have been created based on the draft concept plans presented to the community through two stages of consultation from September 2022 to September 2023.

Project Plans